Early Years
William Brinsmead's early life, moving from London England to New
York with his father and brother, is
detailed on another page.
This page describes his marriage, his career and his family.
William's marriage to Andrea Amelia Ingebrightsen resulted in ten
children and ultimately, five generations later, by far the largest contingent of Brinsmeads
in the United States of America.
An Army Life
At age 18, William enlisted in the American Army 2nd Infantry, at
Fort Omaha, Nebraska on October 1st, 1887. Initially, he signed up
for five years. When he retired 26 years later, on March 8, 1913 he
held the rank of Chief Musician 8th U.S. Cavalry Band.

In 1890,
William let his foster parents in Iowa know that he liked the Army
well and that "...any young man can do well if he behaves himself."
He was by then playing in the band and earned $13 per month.
The Fort Omaha, Nebraska Directory lists William as a musician in
the Regimental Band of the 2nd Infantry from 1892-1894. In
1888-1890 he is listed as a Private and a Musician in Company D of
the 2nd Infantry. In 1896 he is listed as a Sergeant in
Company F. In 1900 he is still a sergeant, posted to the

May 8th, 1902, William married Andrea Amelia Ingebrigtsen at
Highland Falls, New York. Andrea was born on November 1st,
1877 in Bergen, Norway, the daughter of Absalon Johan Ingebrigtsen
and Anne Marie Knudtsen. Andrea's father was a tailor by
trade, although may have been a lawyer in Europe. He died on
May 29th, 1907 at Fort Slocum, Westchester County, New York.
Andrea was the youngest child and had three sisters Anna, Rogna and
Ingrid. Her mother died when she was about nine years
More of William's military postings can be determined by the
birthplaces of his children. In 1903 the family was in New
York. In 1905, they were at Jefferson Barracks, Jefferson
County, Missouri. 1906 saw them posted to Fort McKinney in the
Philippine Islands. From 1908 until at least 1910 they were at
Fort Robinson, Nebraska and by 1913 they had settled in Port
Townsend, Jefferson County, Washington State.
William died on March 22nd, 1936 in Seattle, Washington.
Andrea died in October 8th, 1938.
Census Records

1900 Census record - Military and Naval Population
- for William Brinsmead shows him as a Sergeant stationed at the
Port of Aparri, Philippine Islands.
1910 Census records the family, then with the four oldest children, at Fort Robinson, Dawes County, Nebraska
(shown right).
By the
1920 Census records the family, with all ten
children at home, living at Woodman, Jefferson, Washington State
which is a part of present day Port Townsend.
1930 Census records the family living in Port Townsend,
Washington State. By then the four eldest daughters, Lillian, Ellen, Ruth and Melba had left home.
Lillian and Melba were living together in Seattle where Lillian was
a school teacher and Melba a stenographer.
Ten Children
Over eighteen years, William and Andrea had a total of ten children,
(the eleventh, Robert George died before he was one) shown here in a family photograph
provided by Lee Brinsmead and taken about 1921-22.
Top row, left to right: Ruth, Melba,
Ellen, Johnny, Lillian, Bill
Bottom row: Arthur, Betty, Andrea,
Henry ("Bud"), William and Violet.
Lillian married Fred Leon Bristol, born on May 6th, 1885 in Columbia
County, Wisconsin. In 1900, at age 15, Fred was enrolled in
the Industrial School for boys in Lancing, Michigan. He registered
for the WWI draft at Missoula, Montana. There he is listed as
a Machinist and Musician. His next of kin is Mrs. F.L. Bristol of
We have no details of when they were married. The couple lived
in Seattle at 2555 27th Ave. They took a vacation to Hawaii,
sailing from San Francisco on September 8th, 1950 and returning home
by air to Seattle on September 23rd. Fred died in Seattle on
Jan 9th, 1967 and Lillian on November 9th, 1983. It appears
that Lillian may have been an active member of the Seattle
Genealogical Society.
Ellen Mary
Ellen Mary Brinsmead was born at Jefferson Barracks, Jefferson
County, Missouri on January 5th, 1905. On April 9th, 1932 she
married Allen Arthur Clark at Trinity Parish Church in Seattle.
Arthur was born in Vancouver, British Columbia on Feb 25th, 1907,
but as a teenager lived on his parent's farm in the small
south-eastern Saskatchewan community of Coalfields. The
couple had two daughters; Diane Andrea who married John Bagley and
now lives in Salem, Oregon, and Marily Kathleen who married James
Wright. Both daughters have children and grandchildren. Diane
Bagley has been very helpful keeping the family tree up to date.
Ruth Mable
Ruth Mable Brinsmead was born in the Philippines, at Fort McKinley,
on September 9th, 1906. She married John Peter Chamberlin on October 12th, 1928 at Port Townsend, Washington State.
He was the son of Matthew and Margaret Chamberlin of St. Paul.
Matthew was a gospel missionary of English extraction and Margaret
was Irish. Ruth and John
moved to his home state of Minnesota.

the 1930 census, Ruth is listed as living in St. Paul, Minnesota,
with her in-laws, along with her new baby Alycemae, just two months
The couple went on to have five children: Alycemae Bernice (m.
Macker, died 2020), William Matthew (died 2008), Joan Ruth (m.
Wayne Douglas Moldenauer, died 1992), John James, and Andrea
Margaret (m. Harvey Criss then m. Leslie Phillips).
John Chamberlin served in the US Army Air Force in Korea, starting
on March 5th, 1949.
John died on December 9th 1970 and Ruth on June 7th 1986. Ruth and
John are both interred in the Fort Snelling National Cemetery in South
Melba Andrea
Melba was born on Feb 7th, 1908 at Fort Robinson, Nebraska. She lived with her parents into the 1920's then moved out to live with her sister Lillian in Seattle. She worked as a stenographer in an office.
We have little detail of her life. she is known to have
married a Glenn Langdon and then Nels Johnson, with whom she had a
daughter Lane. Lane married Michael Copper and had nine
Melba died on June 19th, 1996 in Kirkland, King County, Washington
William (Bill) Absalom Brinsmead was born on August 23, 1909 at Fort Robinson, Nebraska. In 1929 he married Gloria
Eaton, born on July 26th, 1911 in Chewlah, Washington, the daughter
of Charles and Bertha Eaton. Bill died in a car accident in 1963.
Gloria then married Otto Gilbertson who died in 1997. When Gloria died in 2002, at Snohomish, Washington, she was buried next
to William at the Evergreen Cemetery, Washelli.

The couple had three daughters, Doreen, Barbara and Sandra.
Sandra married Jesse (Jay) Edward Hammond, and they had two daughters.
Doreen married a Pennington, a Hill and then a Nerison.
Doreen died in Snohomish, Washington on November 19th, 1984 survived
by a daughter. Barbara married a Tarp, a Jackson and a Calkins. Barbara passed away
on December 18th, 1985 and was survived by a son and a daughter.
John Charles
John Charles Brinsmead has his own
"Brinsmead Biography" page.
He was born in 1910 at Fort Robinson, Nebraska. On June 10, 1941 he married Blanche
Missiaen, originally from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The
couple had three children; Alice Ann, who married Paul Hegna;
Andrea, who married Robert Mowad, and John who married Diana.
Alice Ann passed away on November 4th, 2009.
John Charles served in World War One in the US Army and then
returned to active duty for the Korean war. He died in active
service in Korea on September 27th, 1950.
Blanche Brinsmead died on September 16th, 2000 in Seattle.
was born on July 26th, 1913 at Port Townsend, Washington State.
On November 25th, 1945 he married Margaret Arneman. The couple
had two children, Lee Arthur (m. Sharon) and Joy (m. Larry
Sirianni). Margaret died on October 27th, 1972. Arthur lived
until July 27th, 1997. Lee (right) lives in Seattle and has been very generous in sharing
his family picture and other records.
Violet Louise
Violet Louise was born on December 11th, 1914. She was living
with her parents in Port Townsend, Washington State at the time of
the 1930 census. She subsequently married Denver E. Seaman who
was born on April 19th, 1913. The couple lived in Portland,
Oregon. they are not known to have had any children.
Denver died in Portland on June 18th, 1988. Violet died on January
9th, 1999 in Henderson, Clark County, Nevada.
Clara Elizabeth
Clara Elizabeth was born in Port Townsend, Washington State on July
7th, 1917. She was living with her family there at the time of
the 1930 census. On November 19th, 1938, she married Albert
Simpson Fournier in Seattle. Albert was born in Chicago,
Illinois on September 30th, 1914. They had two children, Alan
Michael Fournier and April Ann Fournier.
particular significance to this web site is that Betty's grandson,
Brian Anthony Huseland, (along with cousins George Brinsmead and
Diane Bagley) did much of the early research on the children of
William and Andrea Brinsmead. In addition, while Brian and his
young family were working for an outreach church mission in England,
he did a great deal of research about William's predecessors and the
circumstances surrounding their arrival in the USA. We are
indebted to Brian for much of the information we are now able to
include within this larger family history.
Brian and his wife Jennifer (right) have since returned to the US,
where Brian continues his work both on behalf of his church, and on
the family history of the Brinsmeads.
Henry (Bud)
The youngest of the surviving Brinsmead children, Henry "Bud"
Brinsmead was born in Port Townsend, Washington State, on July 12th,
On December 15th, 1945 Henry enlisted in the US Army, as a Master
Sergeant, for an initial term of three years, to serve in the Hawaii
Department. However, this may have been a reenlistment as he appears
to have served earlier than that. By 1945
was already married, to Gloria Agren. His enlistment papers
show that at that point he had a year of college and, as a
civilian, had worked as a sheet metal worker. The
couple's first son Mark had just been born. Cindra Mae was
born in 1946 in Renton, Washington State. Vicki Sue was born
in May, 1948 in Los Angeles and then Patti Lynn in 1951 in

Henry remained in the Army, and his postings took the family up and
down the East and West coasts of the USA as well as to Japan and
Germany. The family returned from Yokohama to Seattle on the
USNS H.B. Freeman in October, 1954. Jana Gail was born in 1955. In
1960, the family settled permanently in the Carmel Valley.
Henry and Gloria divorced in 1968 and each remarried; Henry to Jae.
Gloria married a Henry M. Trippe on Dec 31st, 1969 in Reno, Nevada.
Henry and Jae had son George, another Brinsmead to whom this web
site is heavily indebted for his research and continuous support.

Mark married Michelle Wallace and they have two children.
George is married to Debra Shen and have a daughter. Henry died in
Monterey on November 3rd, 1995. He is interred in the Monterey
Cemetry. The remaining family all still lives
in the beautiful Monterey - Carmel - Big Sur area of California.
Cindra Brinsmead is an accomplished professional artist. Her
works can be
seen on her
website.or at the art gallery at 425 Cannery Row in Monterey.