Henry (Harry) R. Brinsmead
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Henry R. Brinsmead, known as Harry, was born in Geelong, Australia in 1882. He was the son of William Brinsmead and Carolyn Radford and thus a grandson of the original Geelong settlers, William and Betsy Brinsmead.
to Reno Nevada
In 1906, Henry emigrated from Australia to Reno, Washoe County, Nevada. Leaving Sydney on July 23, 1906, he travelled on the ship Ventura to San Francisco, stopping along the way in Auckland , New Zealand and Pago Pago, American Samoa. He travelled steerage and is listed on the ship's manifest as a manager.
Known as Harry, In 1914 or thereabouts, Henry, known as Harry, married Lena Frisch, born Jan 30, 1892.
Lena Frisch was the daughter of Charles J. and Barbara Frisch. Charles was originally from Switzerland and Barbara from Germany. Lena had four sisters and five brothers. On the 1910 census, Lena's father is listed as a saloon keeper.
In 1920, Harry and Lena had a son Robert H. Brinsmead, who also lived in Nevada until he died in 2008. Grandson William (Bill) Brinsmead still lives in Reno.
Harry's 1918 draft registration card lists him as a self-employed photographer living with his wife Lena at 139 N. Virginia, Reno. He is described as tall, of medium build with blue eyes and brown hair.
Harry and his family returned to Australia at least once. They left San Francisco on the S.S. Sonoma and arrived in Sydney, Australia on Dec 14, 1920. Harry and Lena travelled with son Robert, then age 10 and Louise H. Frisch, Lena's sister.
In Reno, Harry Brinsmead
ran a photo studio - Brinsmead Studios and the Sierra Garage.
Harry died about 1930 and his wife Lena died in November, 1977.
The 1940 Reno directory lists Harry R. Brinsmead (wife Florence) as a photographer at 219 W 2nd. It lists Lena R (widow of H.R.) as working in a beauty shop at 239 N Virginia with a residence at 247 Court. Robert H. is listed as an attendant at the Standard Station with a residence at 247 Court. The 1950 Reno directory lists Florence E. (widow of H.R.) living at 1350 Locust. Lena R. (Mrs.) is still at the beauty shop at 239 North Virginia and living at 247 Court. Robert H. Brinsmead and his wife Marjorie are living at 3205 Arlington Ave. and she is listed as a clerk at B.E.Whitby & Co. Lena Brinsmead died in Reno in November, 1977
Son Robert H. Brinsmead was born in Reno on March 6th, 1920. He graduated from Reno High School. He then went to Castle Heights Military School in Tennessee followed by the University of Nevada. He worked for the Pacific Telegraph and Telephone Co. as a lineman. He married the former Marjorie Mae Lyons of Woodland, California.
He enlisted in the US army in Sacramento on May 6, 1942 as a private in the Air Corps. He graduated from the army airforce's advanced flying school at Napier Field, Alabama in July 1943.
rose to become a 2nd Lieutenant flying the huge B29 Superfortress
bombers. In 1945 he flew his plane the "The City of Reno" in
bombing raids over Tokyo. In all Robert Brinsmead served 44 months
in the military, being discharded as a 1st Lieutenant in January,
1946. His service in the South Pacific earned him the
Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal with two clusters and the
Asiatic-Pacific Ribbon.