+ Emma Lucy Cullen 27 Sep 1905 Bexhill, Sussex, England
........ + Pamela Nancy Tizzard 16 Sep 1939 St. John the Bapstist Parish Church, Stanbridge, Bedford, England
........................8 Peter Keir Brinsmead Sims
................2nd Wife of Andrew Christopher Lyle Sims
................. + Alida Eileen Flynn
................3rd Wife of Andrew Christopher Lyle Sims
................. + Sandra Alicia Green
................ + Marilyn Stevens
........................8 Sean Stevens
........................8 Heather Stevens
................ + Ken Sekiya
........ + Joan Webb Mar Qtr 1941 Bromley Regn. Dist.
................7 Hazel Barbara Sims
........................8 Carolyn Sims
........................ + John Anderson
................................9 Rebecca Anderson
................................9 Katherine Anderson
........................8 Ruth Sims
........................ + Peter Warner
................................9 Ben Warner
................7 Jill Carolyn Sims
................ + Rowena Leonard 1983 Canterbury Registration District
........................8 Emma Sims
........................8 Gabriella Sims
................ + Roy Alan Preece
........................8 Alan Bradley Preece
........................8 Jane Alison Preece
................................9 Jazmine Kayshi Alice Preece
................ + Ray Fradley
................2nd Husband of Nonie Margaret Sims
................. + Playle
........................8 David Playle
........................8 Robert Playle
........................8 Susannah Clare Galley
........................8 Katie Lucy Galley
........................8 Louise Phillipa Galley