John Charles Brinsmead

John Charles Brinsmead is the younger son of William Brinsmead and Mary Anne Williams, born in 1876. William Brinsmead and his two older brothers, William and Arthur moved to the USA. William senior died in Brooklyn and gave up his two sons to the Children's Aid Society. Their history can be found on the USA Brinsmeads page. Until recently we knew nothing of the fate of their younger brother John Charles.

We have just discovered an entry for John Charles Brinsmead in the 1906 Census of Western Canada. He is shown as having emigrated to Canada from England in 1888.

Further research shows that he received a Dominion Land Grant to a quarter section of land (160 acres) on December 3rd, 1903. The land is legally described as the NE part of Section 34, Township 6, Range 30, West 1st Meridian. This and the census place it near the small village of Antler, Saskatchewan. He would have arrived there just as the railway came to the area. Pictures of Antler at the time can be found at the following links.

Postcard Views of Southeast Saskatchewan

We are trying to find out more of what happened to John Charles, both between his arrival and after 1906.

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