The Buckland Brewer lands
We have very few clues to the life and origins of Thomas and Agnes Brinsmead of St. Giles in the Wood. Agnys had a will, but like so many Devon wills, in was destroyed in WW2 due to bombing in Exeter. No transcription has been found. We have been able to locate two significant documents involving Thomas. Both relate to land in Buckland Brewer; the first, written in Old English, is a lease. The second, related to the same land and written in Latin, is an old form of court document called a foot of fines. It was used for centuries as a way of conveying land. A deed would be written in three parts; one would go to the vendor, one the purchaser and the third (the foot of the document) would be filed in Court, for use as court sanctioned proof of the validity of the transfer.
We appreciate the work of North Devon Historian Extraordinaire Janet Few in providing a transcription from the original old English lease, and of Hilary Marshall for taking on the Latin Foot of Fines.
The Old English Lease Document
The picture is only part of the full document, which has suffered from 400 years of mice and moisture. The numbers are line numbers.

1. This Indenture made the Thirtieth daie of October in the Eiateenth yeare of the Raigne of the Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of gode (King of England and Ireland) defender of the faith And of Scotland the three (and) fifteith Betweene John Pedler of Boyton
2. in the countie of Cornewall yeoman Willyam Pedler son and heire apparant of the said John Pedler of the one parte And Humfrye Trowbridge alias Strawbridge of Hea.. in the countie of Somersett gent and Thomas Brinsmeade of Saint Giles in the countie of Devonshire mason of the
3. other parte Witnesseth that the said John Pedler and William Pedler for and in considericon of the summe of Three score and six pounde of good and lawfull money of England to them in hand paid by the said Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade before the next alleged
4. yearly use of this parte whereof the said John and William doe acknowledge the receit And --- parte and parcell thereof doe clerely exonerate acquite and .is.tharize the said Humfery Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade and their executors and administrators and any of them by this
5. part To have given granted bargained solde alienated enfeoffed and confirmed (by this part) doe hereby absolutelie give grant bargaine sell alyen enfeoffe and confirme unto the said Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade All these their lands and Tenements
6. or one of theirs situat beinge and in Buckland Brewer in the said Countie of Devonshire in the tenure or ocupacon of one John Pedler aforesaid his assigne or assignes and nowe in the tenure or occupacon of the said John Pedler and William Pedler or of one (sic) them their or one of their
7. assigne or assignes And also all that their lande and Tenements or one of theirs lieng and beinge in Buckland Brewer aforesaid now in the tenure or occupacon of one Richard Blainch his assigne or assignes And all the rents Revercons .i.ce proffitte Comodities contayed and
8. hereditaments unto the premisses belonginge or in anywise appteyninge ...thall other --- e.teronercons -- and - to Buckland Brewer aforesaid Together with all deeds ....cidement writinge and imprints or exchange concerning the premisses or any parte or
9. parcell thereof All withthe said John Pedler and Willyam Pedlar doe co.ein and --- to deliver unto the said Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade their heirs and assignes at or before the Firste daie of November which shal be in the yere of our lord god
10. One thousand six hundred and twentie whole safe ......alled and not defaced To have and to holde all and singuler the said lands Tenement rent revercon profite-- and other the premisses with their and everie of their appurtenances unto the said Humfrie Trowbridge
11. als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade their heires and assignes for ever To themselves and ..thosse of the said Humfry Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade their heires and assignes for evermoreAnd the said John Pedler and William Pedler for their
12. selves – ...ires executors and Administrators and for –the as....em famillie – said allsoe doe covenant promise and grant To the said Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmead their heires and assignes and to - .eny of them by -- that them
13. the said John Pedler and William Pedler or one of them .... .... or of all and singular the premisses - .... amoin and – ..ender meant or --- bargained and solde with the appertenances And all or one of them that – or their onone
14. --- and absolute authoritie to give grant bargaine and sell the premisses and any part and parcell thereof unto the said Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade their heires and assignes for ever And are or one of them seised of a good sure perfect lawful
15. and indefeasible estate of inther.tan apart single absolute of and in the said premisses --- on or lymittacion to alter or make - the same and that the said - - shall - - - unto the said Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmead their heires and assignes - - - - - - - all and singular the premisses above bargained and solde or meant or menconde to be bargained and solde with the appurtenances and any part and parcell
16. thereof shall for and from thenceforth thereafter continue and be unto the said Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmead their heires and assignes free exonerated by quitted and discharged of and from all and almanner of form bargaines sales gifts grants ...tures donates
17. titles of d...en leasses rents of rents Statutes and of the said Richard Blanchard - execucions .ondemp...ns --- of and from all other burthens charges titles ..lles and incumbrances whatsoever One leasse heretofor made of part of the premises to one Richard
18. Blanchard for certayne yeres determynable upon three lives ...upon the - rent of twentie six shillings and eight pence res...ues And a leasse there..... be made by the said John Pedlar William Pedlar Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmead before the feast of St Michell
19. the arcangell next ensuing the date – of the premisses no..... the – of the said John Pedlar William Pedlar or one them for the term of three lives or four certaine yeres determynable upon three lives whereupon the yerelie rent of Twentiesix shillings and eight pence is to be refunded To
20. continue due and paiable to the said Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmead their heires and assignes if the said John and William Pedler and their heires or one of them shall not r......e the premisses And if the said John and William Pedler or one of them shall redeme
21. the premisses then to continue due and paiable unto the said John Pedler and William Pedler their heires and assignes during the continuance of the said leasse onlie foreprised and excepted - - for - - better and perfect assurance and sure contayenge of all and singular the premisses above bargained and
22. (sold) or extended meant or menconed to be bargained (and sold) - - - - - said Humfrye Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade their heires and assignes for ever The said John Pedler and William Pedler for themselves their heires and executors and administrators and for any and either
23. of them singallie and severallie do consent - - - - - - - - Humfrye Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade their heires and assignes and - - of them - - - the said John Pedler and William Pedler or one of them and their
24. heires or th..... of one of them shall upon - - - - - - - - to be made by the said Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade b.... of them their heire or assigne or heires or assignes of one of them make doe act...
25. and suffer or cause to be made - - - - - - - - - - and charge devise - in th...we whatsoever Debit by fine or fynes - - - their heire or assigne or heires or assignes deeds inrolled the Inrollment of their - enffoeffment
26. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Humfrye Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade - - - the - ...cons deed or deeds
27. required The same to be co.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - by the said Humfrye Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade - - - - -
28. be compelled to travell out of the co.... - - - - - ...ded - and if - the true intent – beinge of both the said parties to - - - the said John Pedler and William Pedler their
29. - one of them doe well and - co.... - - - - - - - - - - unto the said Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade their - - - - - - - - - - assignes or to buy one of them The full and whole - Therefore
30. and six pounds of good and lawful money of England - - - - - - - - - shalbe in the yere of our lord god one thousand six hundred and twentie at or in - - - - one dwelling - of Sir - Rolle of Stevinstone in the countie of devon knight
31. without fraud or farther delaie That then - - - of .ar... - and - article and ...ence herein contayned that - be utterlie void and of none effect Any th.... - contayned to the contrary notwithstandinge And the said John Pedler and William Pedler for them
32. selves their heires executors and administrators and for – other of them for – and - - and grant to the Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade their heires and assignes and to and with any of them by their part that if the said John Pedler and Willyam
33. Pedler their heires executors and administrators or any one of them faille - - said - - and six pounds in and upon the said Laste daie of october Anno Domini one thousand six hundred and twentie Then they the said John Pedler and William Pedle r their heires and assignes shall upon
34. all and any request and requests to them or any of them to be made by the said Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade their heires and assignes farther doe or suffer to be done - caused such further acte and acts charge and charge debit and debit in the lease whatsoever for the farther
35. assurance and contayenge of all and singular the premisses unto the said Humfry Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade their heires and assignes - discharged of all Incumbrance except - before excepted and in the generall warrantie The said Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge and
36. Thomas Brinsmeade their heires and assignes paienge more for the premisses the sume of fiftie four pounds of lawfull english money within - - yere after the passage of such farther – as aforesaid on and above the said some of t.... and six pounds above in their put.mencaed
37. And the said John Pedler and William Pedler for themselves their heires executors and administrators - and either of them formillie and severallie doe consent promise and grant To and with the said Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge their heires and assignes and to and with any of them by their parte That if it happen
38. the said John Pedler and William Pedler their heires executors or assignes or any one of them to ride... the premisses Then they the said John Pedler and William Pedler their heires or assignes nor any of them shall not bargaine sell alien assure and Containe by any assurance or contayance whatsoever the inheritance
39. - - of the premisses to any person or persons whatsoever except it be to the said Humfrie Trowbridge als Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade their heires and assignes or to such other person or persons and to his or their heires whome the said the said Humfrie and Thomas their heires and assignes shall
40. - - - The said Humfrie and Thomas their heires and assignes - - - in fee simple of the said premisses the sume of Sixtie pounds of lawfull money of England in ....con of the said purchace And also that he the said John Pedler and William Pedler therre heeres
41. or assignes or any of them shall not make any leasse - - - - - - - - be for the term of two or three lives in - - or for terme of yeres determinable upon one - - lives in - - And - - - - or leases the yearlie rent of Three
42. pounds thirtene shillinge and four pence be res.r.ed - the said John Pedlar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -solde in - - - the said Humfrie Trowbridge alias Strawbridgeand Thomas Brinsmeade their
43. heires and assignes in manner and forme aforesaid against all people shall warrant - - - for and by their parte defend - - - - - knowe - - the said John Pedler and William Pedler to have co----ed ordayned and appointed and by - - - - - - their parte or their – and plan
44. to have put their trustie and William – in – John Hancorte and - - - - - - true and lawfull attorney formallie or ...allie into the said premisses or in some part thereof in the name of the .othole for them and in their sole name to enter And possession and Seise
45. thereof to take And after such possession and seise so thereof had and - - - for them and within and name to – unto the said Humfrie Trowbridge alias Stawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade or to one of them Or to their or one of their Attorney
46. or attorneys in that behalf That if any and confirming all and what said - - - Attorneys or - - all doe in the premisses by force and – of their – And the said Humfrie Trowbridge alias Strawbridge and Thomas Brinsmeade do for
47. themselves their executors administrators consennt promise and grannt To and - - John Pedler and William Pedler their executors and administrators and to and – of them by their parte To permit and suffer the said John and William Pedler and their heires
48. executers and administrators to take the said rente and proffitte of the premisses untill - - daie of November in Anno Dom. One thousand six hundred and twentie to their owne use and benefitt In witness whereof the parties aforesaid to their
49. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Signed John X Pedler
Notes on the lease transcription
Italics indicate uncertain. Italics in brackets indicate illegible but this form of words is the norm in this instance. "---" indicates missing word. "..." indicates missing letters of a word that is partly readable. Some lines have been hidden in the folds. The original spelling has been retained but abbreviated words are expanded.
1621 Foot of Fines Court Document
This document is in poor condition, making a full translation impossible. As much of it as is legible reads as follows:
James by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith etc. to all to whom our present letters shall have come Greeting Know that among the records and feet of fines with proclamations made thereof according to the form of statute in such case lately enacted and provided before our justices of the bench at Westminster from the term of St. Hilary in the eighteenth year of our reign(*) of England France and Ireland and the fifty fourth of Scotland is contained as follows Devon This is the final concord made in the court of the Lord King at Westminster on the octave of St. Hilary in the year of the reigns of James by the grace of God King defender of the faith etc. of England Scotland France and Ireland the eighteenth of England France and Ireland and the fifty fourth of Scotland(*) before Henry Hobarte Peter Warburton Humphrey Winche and Richard Hutton justices and other faithful men of the Lord King then there present between Humphrey Trobridge otherwise Strobridge gentleman and Thomas Brinsmead plaintiffs and John Pedler and Frances his wife and William Pedler defendants concerning one messuage one garden one orchard twenty acres of land three acres of meadow ten acres of pasture ten acres of heath andgorseand twenty acres of moor with appurtenances in Buckland Bruer'(*) whereof a plea ofcovenantwas summonedbetween them in the same court (that is to say that) the aforesaid John and Frances and William acknowledged the aforesaid lands with appurtenances to be the right of the same Humphrey as that which the same Humphrey (and Thomas have) of the gift of the aforesaid John and Frances and William (and they remised and quitclaimed ….. the same John and (Frances and William) … of the same John to the aforesaid Humphrey and Thomas and the heirs (of the same Humphrey) ………………………………and the heirs of the same John that they warrant to the aforesaid (Humphrey) and (Thomas) and the heirs of the same Humphrey ………………….. for this acknowledgement (remise quitclaim warrant) fine and (agreement) ………………………(Thomas) gave to the (aforesaid) John and Frances (and) William sixty pounds (sterling)(*) …………..
……………….. our seal …………………………….. present ………………. Hobarte at (Westminster) the 23 day of January in the abovesaid year of our reign
Notes on the foot of fines transcription
20 January 1621 is the historical year. The reference to the place is Buckland Brewer, a parish in co. Devon, 4 miles S.W. of Bideford. The apostrophe indicates an abbreviation mark. The amounts given in such documents are not considered precise. The dots do not necessarily represent equivalent gaps in the original.
Regarding the badly damaged lower part of the document, it has been possible in parts to work out some of the wording by taking the shape of faint letters together with the formulaic wording of a foot of fine, enclosing such words in round brackets.
Feet of fines usually were written as a tripartite document consisting of three parts with the same wording; of these one part is likely to be in the series of feet of fines at The National Archives. These documents were a very usual form of transfer of land conducted in the form of a small lawsuit.
What do these documents tell us?
In 1620 - 1621, Thomas Brinsmead was living in St. Giles in the Wood
Thomas Brinsmead was a Mason. Stonemasons in those days were skilled artisans. There are several records of Brinsmead masons, in the North of England and in Devon and Dorset. Perhaps he was related to one of these masons.
Thomas leased land in Buckland Brewer, two villages West of St. Giles, from John and William Pedler (father and son). The Pedler's of Cornwall and North Devon have a well documented family tree. However, there is not suggestion they are related to the Brinsmeads. This may give us some clue to the land's location in Buckland Brewer, which is not contained in, or at least cannot be read from, the lease. The foot of fines gives the type of land and the acreage involved (quite substantial for those days) but still does not give a precise location.
The reference to Richard Blanchard as having a lease on some of the land may also assist in determining the location of the land within the parish. The reference to the house of Lord Rolle is probably just because Stevenstone House was the Manor House for the lands in question and a convenient location to prove payment.
This was a joint lease entered into with Humfry Trowbridge alias Strawbridge. Trowbridge and Strawbridge are two well known versions of the same surname, so the use of the alias does not suggest any wrongdoing. This is the most important clue of all and suggests several lines for further inquiry.
First, it is quite possible that Thomas entered into a lease with Humfry because he was a relative. A serious possibility is that Trowbridge was Agnys' maiden name.
We know an Agnys Trobblebridge was baptised at St. Mary Magdalen Church, Somerset on June 3rd, 1566/7. This would be about the right age for Thomas' wife, who died in the 1627. She was the daughter of a Wool Merchant and sometime Mayor of Taunton, John Trowbridge.
Second, a Humfrey Trowbridge, described as a gentleman, died in North Devon, probably Wembworthy. His will was proved and disputed in the Barnstable Court in 1643. We intend to pursue the records of his will to see if provides any evidence of a relationship to the Brinsmeads.
Third, Humfrey is described in the lease as being from somewhere beginning with "H" in Somerset. Regrettably the full location is illegible. The Bishop's Hull - Taunton Dean area was sometimes called Hull.
Fourth, a member of the Trowbridge family in Taunton was in the same Abbey at Taunton as a Brinsmead, both being pensioned off at the same time after the dissolution of the monasteries (1536-1541). Gregorie Brinsmead received £5 per year and died in Teingrace in Devon. Trowbridge received £4 per year.
Fifth, at least one, and probably two, Brinsmeads left the Bishops Hull - Taunton area for Dorchester, Massachusetts in the 1630's. A Trowbridge alias Strawbridge left Taunton a few years later and also went to Dorchester.
Our hope for over 30 years has been to find out where Thomas and Agnys came from and, if possible, link them into the Bishops Hull Brinsmeads, perhaps to the wealthy Apothecaries who, for a time, moved to London. A link into the Bishops Hull family holds the promise of linking the large US Brinsmead (now spelt Brinsmade) family to the British, and now US, Canadian and Australian Brinsmead tree.