This is a transcription and a copy the letter sent Florence Elizabeth Brinsmead informing her of the death of her husband, Alfred Ernest (son of Thomas Edward) written on 18th July 1918 (he died on 13th). Unfortunately the letter has been torn and taped, leaving a nasty mark , but it has been transcribed by Karon Higgs, Florence Elizabeth Brinsmead's great granddaughter. 

HMS "Inflexible"

c/o GPO

18th July 1918

Dear Mrs Brinsmead,

It is with deepest sympathy that I relate to you the circumstances of your husband's death. On Saturday morning whilst he was turning the propeller of an aeroplane to start the engine he was accidentally hit in the face and head with the propeller and was killed almost instantaneously, suffering no pain.

We have lost a most willing and clever mechanic and one who was always keen when called upon at any time.

We all join in expressing to you our deepest sympathy in the great loss which you and your country have sustained by his death.

Yours faithfully
FCF Walwin, Capt RAF